ACT Now! for a Better World 2024


Professor Colin Beale is a trustee of the Christian Conservation charity A Rocha UK, and is Professor of Ecology at the University of York. As well as writing and publishing on a wide range of topics in conservation science, he has worked in practical conservation in Lebanon, Portugal and the UK. He lives in York with his family, is a member of St Nicholas Church in Dunnington and is happiest when in the countryside with a pair of binoculars and lots of birds!


Revd Jan Nobel is the Diocese of York’s Green Ambassador, helping the diocese to become more environmentally friendly in this time of climate crisis and biodiversity loss. General Synod has committed the Church of England to become ‘carbon neutral’ by 2030, so there is a lot of work to be done! 


Richard Lane and Kirsten Ayris are directors at York Community Energy. Kirsten worked for the Sustainable Earth Institute in Plymouth before gaining an MSc in Sustainable Development. She is now working on a PhD in community engagement for an ethical and sustainable future for our food systems. Richard is a longstanding environmental campaigner and enthusiast for renewable energy. He has an MSc in Renewable Energy Systems and currently works for Sharenergy, a Shrewsbury-based community energy consultancy.


Abi Perrin has spent the past five years balancing scientific research with an increasing range of education, communication, political engagement, network building and protest actions related to climate and environmental justice. 


Julie Mackenzie is an avid nature enthusiast and was lucky to grow up in rural Dorset during the 80s. She has volunteered and worked for several NGOs and has recently graduated and started working as a community nurse.


Becky Jarratt is an ordained minister of the General Conference of the New Church. She has a passion for youth and family ministry, and uses the teaching skills she acquired from her previous line of work to enhance Forest Church sessions. She lives next to the woods, and the beauty and awe that she feels by their ever-changing presence has inspired her to share her love of creation with children.


Graham is a retired teacher/lecturer who spent most of his career in inner city Sheffield but also worked as a Mission Partner with CMS in Uganda. Throughout his life Graham has been a campaigner and has worked on many issues such as opposing incineration, saving street trees, green politics, banning Glyphosate, challenging the press and declaring climate and nature emergencies. 


Tim O'Brien is the Methodist District Net-Zero Officer. He has worked for some of the world’s largest corporations and is part of the Pateley Bridge Methodist Circuit and the District’s Kairos group.


Jane and Seggy founded SF Innovations in 2017 to promote technologies and products that protect the environment and build resilience to climate change. Their current project is supplying DIY solar powered lighting to communities in Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa. They provide workshops at eco events on haybox thermal cooking and building small off-grid solar power systems.


Beki Hagger is the Green Corridors Officer for the local environment charity St Nicks: a centre for nature and green living, with an ambitious vision for York. The Green Corridors project is creating and restoring joined up habitats across three landscape scale corridors and 22 sites across York Local Authority Area.